MAReN Project

The project MAReN– Mediterranean Automatic Recognition Network is co-funded by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Its main aim is to foster automatic recognition of qualifications in the Mediterranean region, starting with the partner countries by:

Developing tools to implement the automatic recognition of academic qualifications and qualifications giving access to higher education in partner countries

Enhancing cooperation among ENIC-NARIC centres, competent authorities for recognition of qualifications and HEIs in partner countries and in the other countries of the Mediterranean region

Establishing the MAReN secretariat at the University of Federico II in Naples to facilitate the cooperation among partner countries and to guarantee the sustainability of the project after its lifetime

Supporting synergies on existing databases and tools aimed at fostering automatic recognition: Q-ENTRY and FraudSCAN

Main outcomes

  • Table of comparison of Pre-Bologna and Bologna qualifications (academic and giving access to higher education ones) in partner countries
  • Match your qualifications: tool to compare the national qualifications and their correspondence with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the National Qualifications Framework of the countries of the Mediterranean area
  • Comparative study of the different higher education systems and Transnational Education in the region
  • As part of the sustainability and dissemination plan of the project, this website represents the opportunity for partners to share their activities, a window open to the world of Higher Education fostering Automatic Recognition in the region
  • MAReN training on Automatic Recognition to HEIs of partner countries: find more detailed information on the Informative brochure.
  • MAReN final conference “Automatic Recognition: the ENIC-NARICs and HEIs perspective”, 11th December 2024, Naples.

Transversal activities

All the partners will give their contribution to provide all the project activities with proper visibility.

Dissemination activities will be carried out to multiply the impact of the project.

Project duration

Starting date: 01/02/2023
Ending date: 31/01/2025
Total duration: 24 months
